Black & Africa History Month

Black and Africa History observations can unite us, help us to build a more constructive society, if we embrace openness and curiosity towards diversity over a fear of difference, and use this as a catalyst for how we think about and relate to Irish heritage and other heritages especially African heritage.
AIDI is a forum or platform to inspire Africans and the Irish society to develop and plan policies that reflect the history, culture, social and economic needs of communities and groups; and to act as lobby group for the African communities in relation to issues affecting them. AIDI strive towards the establishment and development of Intercultural Academy and Information Centre for the dissemination of academic, history, music and cultural materials for development initiatives for Blacks, African Arts and Culture Civilisation.

AIDI is the official registered organizers of Black History Month Ireland (BHMI), also known as Africa History Month Ireland (AHMI). On the 4th of October 2014, The Africa-Irish Development Initiative (AIDI) was the platform for the official launch of the Black History Month in Ireland in collaboration with the African Diplomatic Corps in Ireland, The European Commission and European Parliament Offices in Dawson and Molesworth Streets, Dublin 2 respectively with the Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps Ambassador Anas Khalas of Morocco Embassy in Ireland, and Barbara Nolan Head of the European Representation Office in Dublin as Keynote Speakers. Ireland is now the fourth country in the world to officially hold the black history month observance.
Ireland becomes fourth country in world to celebrate Black History Month (
It was begun in Cork in October 2010 with repeated celebrations in 2013, seeing its inaugural national observance in 2014; with an official launch at the European Commission Representation in Ireland Conference space in Dublin. Zephrynus Okechi Ikeh, Project Coordinator of Black History Month Ireland (BHMI), said that the initiative will tackle racism and discrimination through helping people understand different cultures.
AIDI is affiliated with Irish, African, European and Global institutions, organizations and agencies.